Changing the Game
Welcome to our Electric Future Together! C CHARGE project is on a mission to facilitate cleaner transportation and drive a low-carbon future together. We aim to assist drivers and businesses in their switch to electric vehicles by improving their charging experience at home, at work and destination charging on-the-go.
Electromobility can offer many different ways to charge your vehicle. So, if you require charging at home, work or on the go or solar charging they all require different energy arrangements and charging equipment.
Optimal electric vehicle charging placement is an issue that stakeholders treat with great interest in the near future, owing to the fact that electric vehicles are just starting to catch up in popularity. Therefore, the infrastructure to support them is just starting to be built. A cross over of traffic patterns, registered EV owner’s locations, frequent locations and available power makes for a prime selection.
Infrastructure is the primary variable in electric car charging station costs. For instance, connecting to an existing 240-volt circuit may require only a few hours of an electrician’s labor. But installing a dedicated 480-volt circuit could cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Why the discrepancy? An electrical upgrade carries associated expenses, including electrical panels, meters to monitor electricity use, or even an additional transformer. These electrical conduits upgrades may also involve boring, trenching, and support for power lines.
Level one, or home chargers, cost from 200 to 1000EURO for a dedicated 240-volt circuit. However, a home charger is not adequate for commercial enterprises, which need level-two (workplace multiple charging points) or level-three chargers to handle the load.
The highest specification for a commercial EV charging station is level three, or direct current fast charge (DCFC). Level three stations can charge a vehicle in an hour with 480-volt direct current. Level three stations cost around €40,000 for a single port — it can charge in minutes to an hour.
Most commercial enterprises look to install level two charging stations, which run on 240-volt power and provide a compromise between power and cost. A level two electric vehicle charging station costs around €2,000 to 5000 for a public facing dual-port station—it can charge two cars simultaneously in 6 to 10 hours.
CCHARGE recognizes an EV charging station as more than just a piece of hardware. Arrange for a visit with us at Slavonska Avenija 7a or Zagrebacki Velesajam Pavilion 12 at our showroom to help guide you or your company from planning to managing a smart EV charging station, saving costs along the way.